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Saturday, November 17, 2012

Chanelling the Thoughts (free basing here)

The days turn to a ginormous conglomerate of all these people configuring space and time into segments that they hope I keep track of...
Time is understood. Time is factual and evident to perception. Perception is the time in which we understand. If we have an understanding of time, then we're freer that we can think. We'll have the ability to know when, where and how. Why is not the question, currently. Currently, to know why something is, is to reason with reasoning. The only reason we do that is so we can conceive comfort. The positioning of our bodies is what makes us feel comfort. At what time will you feel comfort? Will it be towards the end of your thought that allows discomfort? Discomforting thoughts are allocated by the self. When does self start to realize the potential to find comfort in discomfort? Our dual ideologies have MANY facets. Should thoughts arise and bring pain and or suffering, there ought only be good after using those dis-easing thoughts for your advantage to bring about the comfort zone. When we zone in on or hone in on our bodies, only then will we be able to control ANY morsel inside of us to manifest reality, really. The true self will unveil at Times. Times will tell your truths. Truths will be free for everyone. Truths blossom into an unknowing that is most certainly okay. The opposition of truths is what teaches the mind and body to rustle around in a nonfused state. I say that when we know the fusion that takes a hold, at that beginning of feelings whence felt, the excitement and happiness and smile brought upon your face, with the tension turned into alleviation, life begins again. It is this ever-evolving state of mindFULLness, that gets us to empty the chamber and load another bullet of life to shoot out into your proximity... pending if you're careful enough not to create harm. You can know it. Uknow. :) Smile. When that bullet takes onto another being or nonbeing alike, a death shall occur, giving way to a new light that strengthens the lights that kept you. Binding and twining the strands of light together, holding you together for an awesomeness of freeness falling into love.

Bridging the gap that appears to create less proximity is a way to modulate a world where comfort can be felt NO MATTER the amount of people on Planet Earth. She loves your love, I feel it. You feel it. Feelings are brought to you, by her and the Highers that you see. This is just one facet of the counterparts of the dualistic approach. When you get to that cross bridge, fortify the connection. Bridge us to allow for sharing. Share to allow for building. The building if these energies can take us to such seen sites. The site of love for the self and the self of the other is most important with Timing. What time is it? It is Time. It is time for now. It is time, right here. It is the only time we have NOW. Now is when we do. When is what's going on. What is the why... Why not?
I love you