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Monday, February 15, 2010

Uh ooooh.... Pollution-O's!

I've scoped it out from as many angles as I can with the resources and tools that I have and acquired. WE THE PEOPLE can only do so much when it comes to solving problems with our pollution Problem. There are many people that understand what needs to be done about it, there are people that know it's a problem and then there are the people who have not a care in the world about it. I sadly am one of the people that knows we need a new game plan.

What that does for me now is add a whole new objective in my life. Maybe it is unusual for someone to think that they should dedicate their lives to efficiency for the planet, but then again... Would I leave my house a mess and pollute it with garbage? No, I didn't think that I was going to say yes either. I'm sure anyone that reads this would agree as well. Not one person you see throughout the day enjoys garbage.


Ever play Jenga? I have. It's a really fun game! All you are supposed to do is stack small little pieces of rectangular shaped blocks in a certain rotating pattern until it extends about 12 inches high. When you put it together your objective is to pull out those blocks from the middle of the stack(or anywhere below the top blocks) and then place it gently on the top to create a new row. You're supposed to take turns throughout players and continue until it COLLAPSES! AAAAAAHHHH! So fun! It's fucking exhilarating, kind of like ice fishing.

Ever play Planet? I have and it sucks! All you are supposed to do is take little atoms out of the the planet and bond them together with other various elements found inside the earth. Then once you've found a covalent bond, you place it strategically on top of the planet. Sounds so simple and very similar. There are a few differences in this game. First off, not many people know they are playing. When we continue to play, the inside gets a little weaker(kind of like Jenga?). Once it gets weaker, much like JENGA, it's obviously going to collapse! Cool game huh? Not the game for me.

So now that we have our overloaded planet on the exterior side, what do we do with it all? Do we continually mass produce shit(atoms bonded together) that we don't need and aren't beneficial to us? Take plastic for example. I KNOW we have a lot of plastic that is not being used and isn't being recycled. This poses a problem for the people that want a clean planet. What happens [I feel] is that the plastic bottles we use for water (which by the way are terrible for some people involving some heath concerns. I've found a possible web source that you can refer to right here) become mass produced to serve the purpose of carrying water. In saying that it sounds like a legitimate idea. This is where I think it goes wrong. Now what we are doing here, to reiterate, is taking specific atoms out of the planet and bonding them together with other atoms. It is as simple as that. After plastic is formed, it has more of a difficult time going back in the same way it came out. So what we have to do with it, is just keep piling it up! This can also be portrayed another way when it comes to buildings. More so BUILDINGS THAT DON'T LAST LONG! AND THAT ARE STILL UP! WASTING SPACE!

I know it sounds like I'm just bitching about silly little things that not many people worry about. I worry about them none the less, and I know there are others that have this concern too. OBVIOUSLY if it is a concern then it means it's bad to some people (considering there morals and their enlightened ways of living). All I request from some people is that they try a little harder to keep their rooms cleaned and also try harder to keep their biosphere clean as well. WHICH IS MY BIOSPHERE AS WELL! Kind of get what I'm hinting at???
Try this;
Recycle all bottles and cans that can be returned to stores. NOT IN TRASH!
Locate local recycling centers to take your plastic bags back to from the market
(use the savvy shopping bags they provide for you, don't be lazy, makes you look bad. Bad = not cool, who wants to not be cool? Loser...)
Set up bins throughout the house to keep glass, paper and plastic organized
Recycle unused clothes to salvation shops (or go pass clothes out to bums)
Turn lights off when not in use
Don't let water run for no reason (quick showers)
Time your furnace to get cooler at night to conserve energy too
(money savers right there by the way)
Plant something.

The earth breathes, consumes and lives. Since we moved in on it, we need to help it. Imagine if a bunch of disease crash landed on your body... wouldn't you like it if they helped the efficiency of your mobility? Well diseases won't, cause we already measured that diseases deteriorate things(hence the negative connotation). Now then, what are humans doing to the planet?