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Sunday, August 30, 2009

OK so yeah i haven't been keeping up on this thing... things changed a few months ago so I just forgot. I'm back and I'm going to try and keep this thing consistant, because I know everyone reads this lol. :X

Anyways... I'm still alive and getting more angry. There are too many things going wrong with everything everywhere! I'm putting school to the side for yet another semester unfortunately. Still cannot afford it without taking out loans. Apparently Obama made things a little easier for students in getting loans. But that just means that he's doing what he was HIRED in for. Putting more debt behind our american funds. How much are we going to owe to the Federal Reserve? Some people say none cause it's like a loan... We'll be paying them back until the world ends?! But that means they own us, didn't know if you knew that. If you don't technically own things... and you're paying things off forever... you don't own it. You basically are leasing your school credits until you pay them off for good. Think outside the box.

So yeah, I'm still trying to figure things out. I have a lot of saving up to do. I have a new goal, I'm going to try and save every single cent from each check. lol Sounds like what I should have been doing for a while now. haha! Soon I'll be working TWO jobs! Fuckin yay... 60 hours weeks will keep me occupied I guess. Then I'll have money fo sKoool! Hopefully at least. lol Two jobs and a couple classes this winter semester, sheesh. Now.... what classes to take is the quetion! let me know if you have any ideas!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Life gets better!


Well I guess I still can't complain too much. I have my health, friends and family. Last Monday I got hit by a TRUCK! This man pulled right out in front of me on my way to work. I left my house with only one thing on my mind... "Have a glorious day". He sure screwed that up for me. Aside from that, things are going "OK" I guess. My class will be over with on Thoisday. I'm happy but I need more. I'm trying to sign up for two more this spring. It's coming up on me quick so I have to get on it. I might be taking another Psych class and Soc. class. I want to dig into peoples minds and figure out why we're all so fucked up. If you actually pay attention in school and pick up on the underlying meanings that your teacher is trying to tell you, then you'll see things connect. You have to remember, every teacher or professor grew up just like you. They see things in a certain way. WE ALL SEE THINGS IN A CERTAIN WAY. It does not necessarily mean they or wrong or you are wrong. It's just another reason to see things from a different perspective.

Most people think "My way or the highway!" That's the most ignorant saying I've ever heard. And YES, I know that's my opinion. But! I want people to know that they can't keep that a part of their personality because you simply cannot grow from it. It's only hindering you to see things from one way... Tunnel vision! Imagine if you had blinders on the sides of your head your whole life, just like derby horses. You'd be in a world of fear and repression. You cannot except things for what they are or possibly could be. You have to let yourself live, and find things out. Even though we could be 99 years old, we can still learn something. Learning is never going to leave us unless we have things do it for us. It's kind of scary thinking about all the new innovations that are coming our way. I hope that you pray to whatever is it you believe is holy that machines don't take over our free thinking. Just wait until the new Terminator movie comes out. LOL You just have to realize that our brains are so powerful that even machines can't do some of the things we can. We have the power to grow as people and as a society and flourish our well being everywhere. I suggest taking a philosophy class. Do yourself that favor, cause I'm signing up for mine! We need to see things differently because we were raise traditionally. Tradition can only hold up for so long.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Trying to Find a Balance

Alright, so life really doesn't get easier and most of you that don't know it, barely work for it. It's ok if things come easy to people, it's just how the cookie crumbles. School is only going to get harder along with work. I'll be signing up for a couple more classes this spring and summer. It looks like there won't be much of a break for me this year. Over the next couple of weeks I will be working about 45 hours! It's going to be tough, but I know if it wasn't going to be then this wouldn't be America.

Did you know in some other countries the average hours for "full-time" are less than 40? It's kind of sad to hear that. Americans take 40 hours out of there week to set time aside to work at a certain wage that may or may not be helpful. So how many hours does that leave us? Well we have 168 hours in the week, take away 40 and that's 128 hours. That seems like a lot right? So how much sleep do you set aside for yourself? Let's say the average is 7. I try to devote 7 hours of sleep (which is very hard by the way) for myself. 7 times 7 is 49. Now we take 49 hours from 128 and that leaves us with 79 hours of free time! So now we have to set time aside for an education. Full time which is the norm, is 12 credit hours. Now we're down to 67 hours of free time. That's just a little under 3 days. What does that give us? Barely anything. We still have to eat, (should excercise), STUDY!!!!, spend time with family, balance your friends, and take the driving time to get everywhere we go. Oh yeah, and don't get me started on relationships. Just stay away until you find that balance you need to succeed in life. It never seems worth it if it's too much work. Just bail when you can. If there isn't a balance between all these things, then there's loss of control.

How are you going to spend your 3 days of living? Most Americans don't do much, and believe me I know. Everyone is tied up with TV and Internet. No one wants to entertain themselves anymore because something else does it for them. Think about all the things you could do with your free time. The possibilities are endless. The options are plentiful. The time is short. What are you going to make your life into?

Saturday, March 28, 2009

New to me!

Alright folks, my name is Sam. I'm interested in meeting as many people as I can. Like literally meeting YOU! My goal in life is to travel as much as I can. I don't actually know how possible this is, but I am going to do the best I can. I live in Michigan and it's not too fun. For one I don't see the auto industry surviving with the way things are going. It's crazy I know. One of my other goals in life is try and teach people how to change things in there cities and states. As of now I'm working in retail trying to pay for classes at a community college. It's pretty tough over here for me but I think that things will work out as planned. School is SO expensive and I can't stand it! No one should have to pay money to learn to work to live. But anyways that's just a little about me and I hope you come back to check out all the new things that I will post.