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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

True Nutrition, True Health

Ideas on food should be similar if the human embodiement was made for replenishing "cells" constantly. The same cells that everyone is a composite of. It blows my mind how many people do not realize that their local SUPER markets are mass supplying things that are mass produced. The only way they are getting them to you like that is because they are using these techniques that leave out the important things in the foods. The main things that help break down the foods(for our bodies) are left behind with the MASS production/transportation process. This is why people stress on purchasing from Local Food Markets with Locally Farmed ORGANIC Products. If this was the case, your son would not have ADHD. He would not "need" pharmaceutical grade drugs to keep him in line with his school work. He would only need foods with the main const
ituents in them, to maintain a healthy structurally sound brain. Much like a car, the brain has transmissions. It constantly transmits light synapses when in thought. The only reason you need your son to think properly enough is because you don't want to take care of him for the rest of your life. He grows up, he gets job, he leaves to nest on his own, he is smart enough to maintain and die when needed. These WHOLE foods contain the possibility he could do these things with so much ease. There should be no half ass struggle to keep someone living on fucked up Pharm Drugs. NO, not at all. Same thing goes with the opposite spectrum. The daughter doesn't want to take care of mom for the rest of her life. Mother needs proper nutrition to maintain the brain as well. Daughter doesn't want to have to be there almost 24 hours a day looking after mom because she cannot remember who "she" was("she"=daughter or mother for that matter). The daughter specifically doesn't want to see mother forgetting all emotional ties to what they once had. Then is when the communication lacks wholly. It's done. Mother should move on, or rapidly change diet to change the life of f
orgetfulness. Important "facts" to remember, like friends and family, make us the humans we are. (If it wasn't for friends or family, just give us daily doses of caffeine and block our Dopamine receptors, put us in cubes and let us crunch numbers on machine screens all the live long day) Without having the friends and families taking care of themselves, it leaves no room for growth. It is digression formed ever so simply with ignorant(or direct for population control) distribution of un-wholly foods.

I believe Zombie Mode is the unfortunate future if the wave of unhealthy choices keeps riding the masses. Either that or the degenerative looking people will just whither away, quickly, be forgotten. Not because they are not worth it, simply because they cannot pull their own weight anymore. They end up relying on someone else to live. It is CERTAINLY okay to rely on someone for emotional support, but that's just another book or blog to write. But to rely on someone to struggle to live... that's this story.
It is our egoic fashion that separates us. Our ego is the very thing that brought us here to stay(or spirit). Some say to be punished. Some say this is the first stop and only stop. Some even say we just keep coming back to learn more and more, but the point is that no matter how or why we are here, don't you think it be nice to have a comfortable living for everyone, if we had that option? GOOD NEWS! We do have this option!

Two things...

Whole foods contain:
1.) Essential enzymes which are proteins that catalyze chemical reactions. (i.e. breaking down nutrients for proper distribution which would be, carbohydrates, fats and proteins) When these enzymes are not in your food, the food stays in you, doesn't break down... creating blockages and disease.

2.) Amino acids which are basically the building blocks for proteins. They link up to create greater proteins. Which can mean greater energy. Which is what everyone now-a-days is looking for!!!! (energy for work, energy from the soil, energy from the wind, energy from the CAFFEINE they think is working for them in the morning) It could be consistently sustainable energy... ALL DAY!

With this in mind remember that the MASS produced/distributed food sources you may use, do no have all the enzymes and aminos. This is imperative to proper bodily functioning. Without these, your body will have no ease in living. It will be dis-eased.

I almost feel silly posting something like this. We shouldn't need to be warning people about the foods we eat, obviously. Food should already be growing properly, right? Sometimes they aren't. Most times this is true. Especially in the modern worlds, like the United States. We develop the outer physical world first now-a-days, before we developed our inner beings. We cannot create greatness without having greatness inside of us. Greatness should consist of properly functioning bodies, fluid thoughts. Thoughts that won't leave people behind in this Globalized world. This fast pace world that leaves no more time for intimate inner relations. NOT just with other humans, but with everything perceived. We should be harmonizing ourselves with the structure of the cities. It should be simple to produce crops well enough to feed the masses, to have proper functioning living systems, the idea is not difficult to conceive. Once the people have nutrients aiding them with concise conscious cognition, how do you think the politicians will think? Think they will be greedy? Think they'll take more and more pie for themselves or close families? OR do you think they will realize how much is not needed? How if their actions continue, they will produce an ill fated future? If you knew what you needed, which is NOT excess of things, would you want more and more, with no rational or moral value?

Take this example with overloading of certain foods and non-foods(artificial creation)...

People may say that rational and moral cannot be definitively understood. But I'll say this; If you can understand why we eat... then you have a fully loaded arsenal of compatible ideas that work with the earth itself. The earth(or whatever fuckin God you want to believe in) produces things we eat. The stomach is only so big, sooooooooooooooo....

Untainted foods from Earth + Stomach that is a certain size = WATCH WHAT THE FUCK AND HOW MUCH FOOD YOU INTAKE.

I've seen books and encyclopedias that say 3 parts; food, liquid & air. This can equal proper digestion, which in turn will create a greater flow to the body, which in turn will let light run through at proper paces, letting the mind, body and spirit work together(even if you don't believe in all three). These three ideas ought to mesh well. Otherwise, you'll get your standard unable to be understood chaos. Instead of, potential to understand why we question chaos.

Mother Earth is weak on the inside now, top heavy on the outside. This created tainted soils. Soils without a full spectrum(& optimal levels) of nutrients. Scientists know this. Once this gets corrected, along with the peoples & farmers creating better soils, people will have true nutrition. Once people are in an awareness of this, the things that hate us will grow to love unconditionally. It's a matter of will power now. We need to maintain what we want to keep. If we don't want happy people, we will continue this contemporary slave labor that creates for un-wholly foods. If the Masses want to be happy, the Masses will do things for their own selves and souls. Nutrition is another application to ease living.