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Saturday, March 28, 2009

New to me!

Alright folks, my name is Sam. I'm interested in meeting as many people as I can. Like literally meeting YOU! My goal in life is to travel as much as I can. I don't actually know how possible this is, but I am going to do the best I can. I live in Michigan and it's not too fun. For one I don't see the auto industry surviving with the way things are going. It's crazy I know. One of my other goals in life is try and teach people how to change things in there cities and states. As of now I'm working in retail trying to pay for classes at a community college. It's pretty tough over here for me but I think that things will work out as planned. School is SO expensive and I can't stand it! No one should have to pay money to learn to work to live. But anyways that's just a little about me and I hope you come back to check out all the new things that I will post.